file paperwork with your court

After you get done filling out the forms hit print and print 2 sets of forms. Make sure to pause printing and put in more paper, as there will typically be 69 pages or more depending on the amount of bills you have.

You will have to go the the federal courthouse in your district. These are found on the website. You can get all your questions answered on these 2 websites. It is not easy. I finally found that the combination of the 2 sites here and the software solved my problems.

You will also need a pacer id to check on your case and the jugement.

I was surprised that when you case is finished you do not receive a list of what happened.

It is a public record and you have to go to the pacer site to see how your case went. You need a debit or credit card to use it but do not charge your card unless you use over $10 at .10 a page.

All the way up to looking at the final results were free in my case.

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